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Special screening of the Tegar movie in Surabaya with Singhasari SEZ and the US Consulate General

Special Screening of films about Tegar’s disability, together with the United States Consulate General and SEZ Singhasari

The Singhasari Special Economic Zone (SEZ) held a Special Screening for the Tegar film together with...
Masterclass 2023 Australian Indonesian Cinema Festival (FSAI) at Singhasari SEZ

FSAI Acting Masterclass with Australian Film Actor, Carlos Sanson Junior in the series of events at the Festival Sinema Australia Indonesia at SEZ Singhasari

Supporting the eighth Australia Indonesia Cinema Festival (AICF), the Singhasari Special Economic Zone (SEZ)...
Vibrant local animation VIA-LOKANIMA in Indonesia

VIA-LOKANIMA Strengthens Commitment to Develop Creative Industry in Indonesia

VIA-LOKANIMA confirms the commitment to cooperation to jointly develop the creative content industry in...
Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno cooperates with SEZ Singhasari Malang

Minister Sandiaga Targets 1 Trillion Investment for KEK Singhasari

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahudin Uno targets to bring...
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Visitation of King's College London

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