Investment Opportunity
Investment with Singhasari SEZ
The Singhasari Kingdom is a treasured historical heritage located near Singhasari SEZ. Thus, this area stores historical heritage, which is precious for Indonesia's geostrategist needs and business investment assets.Those heritages will be the potential core of the successful business collaboration with our Mitra.
Understanding Our Industries

The Center of Historical Tourist Attraction in Malang
Singhasari SEZ is located at the foot of Arjuna Mountain, a supporting facility of Bromo Park Tengger Semeru. In13th century, this area was the centre of one of the most influential kingdoms in Southeast Asia. And now Singhasari SEZ has a collection of 1000 different plant species with a total of 50.000 plants have been planted in the 600-700m up in ocean surfaces.

The Center of Digital technology in Malang
As the first digital SEZ, Singhasari SEZ aids digital developments for technology investments to achieve a better Indonesian technological advancement. Singhasari SEZ welcomes any technology investment in the forms of cloud computing, smart city, digital economic platforms, and others.

Education Ecosystem Development Center
Singhasari SEZ is the first SEZ Education pilot project in Indonesia, which is expected to be able to produce Human Resources (HR), especially digital talents by collaborating with local and international educational institutions.

Center of Creative Industry in Malang
Singhasari SEZ supports the development of creative industries in Indonesia with startup investments. In October 2022, Singhasari SEZ has inaugurated Animation and Film Factory (AFF), the largest animation and film center in Indonesia.
Facilities And Incentives
To support business investments in Singhasari SEZ, the facilities provided are ensured to be beneficial for business growth.
Clean water supply from PDAM
2 stable power sources from PLN
It is +/- 15 km to Singhasari SEZ
Ultra high speed internet access by Telkom
Citizen number is reached +/- 183.320 people (in 70 Km)
It is +/- 13 km to Singhasari SEZ
15 minutes from the new exit toll Surabaya-Malang
It is +/- 15 km to Singhasari SEZ
- 100% Tax Holiday for Main Activities, depending on the amount of investment
- Tax Allowance for other than Main Activities and for main Activities that do not get Tax Holiday facilities
PPN is not collected on:
- Delivery of Tangible Taxable Goods from TLDDP, FTZ, and TPB
- Import of Tangible Taxable Goods
- Import of Consumer Goods to SEZ Tourism
- Submission of JKP and/or BKP in the same SEZ or other SEZ
- Exemption from import duty and no tax for imports (PDRI) for imports of capital goods and consumer goods in tourism SEZs
- Exemption from excise duty for raw materials or auxiliary materials in the manufacture of final goods that are not excisable goods
Delivery of Taxable Goods and/or Taxable Services originating from maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) is not collected
Reduction of Regional Taxes and/or Regional Levies 50%-100%
Restrictive provisions and trading systems in the field of imports do not yet apply
- Shops in SEZ Tourism can participate in the VAT refund scheme for foreign passport holders
- PPnBM and PPH exemptions for purchasing residential or daily houses in SEZ Tourism
Postponement of Import Duty and PDRI is not collected for Business Actors who have completed construction/development
Strategic Partners
Constructive collaborations that support Singhasari SEZ in achieving an economic digital ecosystem growth.

Need more information?
Singhasari SEZ is open to any business investment and ready to grow together. Learn more about collaborative rules and other information here.