About This Sector

Digital technology adoption in Singhasari SEZ includes our creative industry for Indonesian digital creators. Our creative industry creates an Animation and Film Factory called Lokanima as the largest animation and film center in Indonesia fitting for aspiring digital creators to improve Indonesian creative economy.


Creative Industry

SEZ Singhasari really supports the development of creative industries in Indonesia. In October 2022, KEK Singhasari has inaugurated Animation and Film Factory (AFF), the largest animation and film center in Indonesia.

AFF currently has around 20 studios with 500 creators. By adhering to the plasma-core pattern, SEZ Singhasari believes that content democratization can be realized properly. Apart from being the largest in Indonesia, the community-based development pattern will give birth to creators who can collaborate in producing high-quality content. In addition, the development of AFF will make vocational education the backbone in creating reliable digital talent.

Currently, AFF SEZ Singhasari has collaborated with 22 SMK with the Department of Animation, Film, DKV and Broadcast. About 700 SMK students, university students and teachers for apprenticeships and training in film and animation. In the middle of this year, Singhasari AFF also collaborated with the MGMP (Subject Teacher Consultation) in the field of animation and multimedia to synchronize curriculum based on industry needs and also collaborate in improving the skills of teaching staff and students.

AFF is committed to producing works that have a positive impact on society and also inspire the younger generation to make changes. This year, there are already several plans for film and animation projects that raise social themes in society, such as disability, gender equality, social inclusion and nature conservation.

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Creative Industri Activity

Animation District

The center of enthusiastic animators in Indonesia to produce digital creation as a way to inspire creative economic growth.

Content Garage

Facilitating digital content creator to explore their creativity through digital content production house.

Game Factory

Reviving the game industry in Indonesia with provide the center of the game industry to enhance the number of creative economies.

Commercial Area

Generating further commercial purpose in the creative industry by utilizing advanced digital technology.

Our Creative Industry Ecosystem



Singhasari SEZ promotes economic development for both local business and our partners in achieving great digital economic ecosystem. We provide excellent on-site infrastructure that generates business investment growth within our collaboration.

Clean Water

Water Reservoir
of 100 m3/second


Electricity capacity of 15 MW


High speed internet access

Waste Management

Integrated waste and waste water management 

Road Access

Roads with high accessibility


Cultivate Indonesian young talents to establish Indonesian creative industry by providing the right facilitates for digital creators. Singhasari SEZ supports creative economic growth align with global digital shift in business opportunities.


Film, animation and digital technology development projects.


Business collaborations that help Us in supporting creative digital creator.

Lokanima is a company engaged in the film and animation industry
Paradise Picture
Business collaborations that help Us in developing Indonesian digital technology.
Roleplay Studio
Roleplay studio is a company engaged in animation content for video commercial animation, films and series animation.

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